Our tenth and final meeting of this season was a rainy affair where we only got going after lunch. We began with a review of the work done this year and last and agreed that the setting of the various monuments and bridges is now much enhanced. We have steadily improved the immediate vicinity of Pepper Hill Barn, Aisled Barn, Packhorse Bridge, Clam Bridge, Clapper Bridge, Wycoller Beck and Wycoller Hall.
Only the medieval Packhorse Bridge still gave us concern with low overhanging branches from nearby trees and the consequential regrowth of moss and weeds on the structure. We haven’t quite finished this project, as work still needs doing on the vaccary boundary walls adjacent the lane, Wycoller Hall and the pond.
We are now having a break till September. Many thanks to all those who have helped and to LCC Rangers and Friends of Wycoller for their support and company.