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We’re lucky enough to live in an area steeped in history from the prehistoric to the 20th century and our aim is to promote this wonderful heritage.  However, we’re not just interested in our own area and so we highlight how the places of Blackburnshire interacted with other regions, at home and abroad.

We organise regular trips both local and farther afield for members of the Friends of Pendle Heritage.  These have ranged from a day at Lancaster to a week in Orkney, so when we say we have something for everyone – we mean it!

Our winter talks and lectures range from Pendle murders to the building of the Manchester Ship Canal, with a host of subjects in between. Everyone is welcome but Friends often attend more regularly, not only to enjoy the talk but to meet and stay in touch with friends and other like minded individuals.

Are you interested in industrial heritage, family history, architecture, social history, mining, communication be it toll roads, railways, canals or maybe even packhorse trails?  Perhaps you’d like to start a project group?  If so we’d love to hear from you.

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