Manchester: Alchemical City – Episodes 2 and 3: The Golden Sewer and Politics – presented by Jeanette Winterson

Jeanette Winterson’s series on Manchester continues with Episode 2 concentrating on the industrial revolution and Episode 3 on the resulting politics. She is particularly good at moving through the big themes of the day, precisely touching the most important issues of the time. In Episode 2, Burnley’s Queen Street Mill gets a good slot.

Manchester: Alchemical City – Episode 1: ‘Beginnings’ presented by Jeanette Winterson

Don’t miss this, it’s superb…

Jeanette Winterson presents her personal exploration of Manchester, from its Celtic roots to the present day and beyond. She takes to the streets of the city to tell the stories of the disparate groups and events which formed this combative and insubordinate urban centre. Accrington’s Jeanette was born and works in Manchester and regards the city as always influencing, always transforming – an alchemical place.

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Heritage in the Press – October

Ken Spencer, Burnley local historian, named as volunteer of the year

Wind turbine controversy in Pendle Borough

Win turbine proposed for near for Darwen Tower

Bromley Cross Station being considered for listed status

Bellmanpark Lime works, Clitheroe officially ‘at risk’

Finsley Gate Wharf, Burnley gets conservation funding

Accrington town centre wins Heritage Lottery Funding

Old Blackburn pub signs saved

Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership bid being planned

Planning Wycoller Events for 2015

Saturday 1st November was the Friends of Wycoller AGM and planning meeting for 2015, David M. attending on behalf of Pendle Heritage.  It was a good positive meeting with plenty of events being planned for next year. Lancashire County Council were going to renovate Copy House and a new warden, Sarah, will be moving in soon – excellent news! On the heritage front, we discussed the current Pendle Heritage study of sheep folds, and whether some could be restored, and establishing a woollen weavers heritage trail around country park. Hopefully, this could be done by 14th June and the World of Wool event.  The current condition of Bank House Farm was also raised.